Saturday, March 28, 2015
Monday, September 16, 2013
"Forty Days" spread in my moleskin journal, done on September 13th, while thinking about my friends in Colorado dealing with the floods. I find it remarkably synchronistic that I seem to run across just the right scrap of photograph to invoke a 'feeling' in my journal. The two children, from a circa 1920s image I have, appear stunned and woe-begone. I think that's how I would feel if I was dealing with uncontrollable weather issues. I also used charcoal pencil and watercolors.
By the way, I am pleased to note that one of my Colorado friends will be publishing this image in an upcoming issue of 'Pasticcio' magazine. Thanks, Sarah!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
I have decided, since finally having a vacation, to start a visual journal. Now I have hesitated to do journaling as it is hard for me to put words down on paper- I have always been such a visual person- but recently have seen artists just doing 'artwork.' I loved this concept! So I am trying to complete a spread a day in a small moleskin journal and posting most of the results on my Pinterest site (search my name and it should come up.) The above piece is called, 'Harbinger', as I am thinking about the trees changing already, and sadly, a small elm tree was removed yesterday from our tree lawn by the city due to disease.
I have a large container of collage scraps and an old dictionary I use for prompts, as well as Koh-I-Noor watercolor pencils and a graphite pencil for entries. Finally, I spray the page with a matte sealer. I will try to post more frequently!~Lou
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Techno Time Challenge
I'm still here, but barely. I had to install 'Chrome' to get my blog (photos would not upload) back up and that was quite a techno challenge. I mean, I couldn't ask my I.T. son, or my next door 'so busy' son, or my daughter crazy with moving, so of course I took weeks to figure it out myself, and meanwhile wasted lots of valuable art time.
I am still doing some swaps-above are two large vintage tags that will be exchanged. They feature brass stencils with real tintypes behind the letters, old lace, buttons and sari ribbons. I know I shouldn't use real tintypes, but copies, but I just think it looks so much better with the real thing! I held the stencils on with Washi tape, printed with old script. I LOVE Washi tape!
I will try to now post more artsy stuff here, family updates now on Facebook and also addicted to Pinterest for resources! ~Lou
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Best Bead Surprise!
I received a phone call yesterday from two dear friends from Michigan and we met, along with another local friend, at the wonderful shop, 'Bead Paradise' in Oberlin, OH. The store was having their annual sale, so that was even better! The store has great clothes too- I bought a beautiful jacket for 75% off and 4 bone Celtic rune stones for gifts. The others bought fabulous jewels and findings. Left to right: Me, Linda K., Beth B. and Sue T. What a fun day!

Friday, January 11, 2013
Altered Soul Bottle-I've Been Altered Too...
I'm in a bottle swap to alter to have to do with gypsies and all things related, and this is the one I made. The vintage bottle is filled with copies of tiny antique tarot cards, sparkly beads and strips of old text. The cork is wrapped with transparent word text paper tape, bought from, "Small Studios" store- one of my faves (Ginny Carter-Smallberg, the owner, Westlake, Ohio.) There is also glitter on the outside image, that doesn't really show much in the photo here.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Happy Holidays!
Happy holidays to all. My dear art friends and just great buddies celebrated with our annual tea yesterday. A wonderful time was had by all and much food eaten and beautiful gifts exchanged. I just hope you all have such wonderful friends to share the holidays with, and of course, your families. I'm in the front, to the right of our hostess, Darlene (her left side). ~Lou
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