Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'm Back!!!

I can't  believe it has been almost a year since last posting, but it has been a difficult year.  My husband Tom has been in the hospital most of that time, beginning last October with emergency gallbladder surgery and a subsequent heart attack.  Then he went for emergency open heart the week of Christmas and then another admittance in February for pneumonia and COPD exacerbation.  The stress took a toll on me and our family and I certainly lost my creative drive. So Tom is on the road to recovery, thanks to cardiac rehab 3x a week, and I am trying to get my art gene to return.  A trip to Artiscape recently in Columbus helped, as I took a great class by Wanda Montgomery on techniques.  Also just being with good friends and a change of scenery!
I have also joined a few art swaps that are vintage in nature and using antique images.  My CDV photos (carte de visite) above will be made into a book by the hostess, after swapping. Some are dimensional, as the real dog tag on the first one.  I have found that small art projects are very soothing for my spirit and hope it is strengthened by continuing to make 'for others.'~Lou


  1. your cards turned out super! what a treasure they will be. so glad things are looking up and the 'art inspiration' is returning...

  2. Very happy to see you posting again!

  3. Hey Lou, I got the cdv with the dog and license tag in the swap...love it!!
